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Lust is Boring

Jul 29, 2021

In today's episode of Lust is Boring, Jason interviews author Maura Preszler. Maura's ministry, Made in His Image, helps to break the stigma of shame surrounding abuse and mental illness. Together, they discuss: 

  • How does abuse and fatherly neglect shape a woman's future relationships? 
  • What happens when we enter...

Jul 22, 2021

In this episode of Lust is Boring, Jason interviews actress Vanessa DeSilvio, who played the role of Photina, the Samaritan woman at the well in The ChosenTV series. Watch her scene in the show here: 


Listen to the podcast at 

Jul 15, 2021

Porn Proofing Your Kids

Is there any way to inoculate your children from the incessant barrage of pornographic content in today’s media? Don’t miss today’s episode of Lust is Boring, where Jason interviews Josh Glaser,  the author of Treading Boldly through a Pornographic World. Together, they address: 

  • Why is...

Jul 8, 2021

In today’s episode of Lust is Boring, Jason Evert unveils big news about Chastity Project’s most important initiative ever, and how YOU can now become a part of it. The team at Chastity Project has been hard at work all year to prepare for this moment, so don’t miss this week’s episode. 


Launch your project: